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Why Do You Write?
Some days—some seasons, even—it’s nearly impossible to convince ourselves to sit down and write.
If this doesn’t resonate with you, stop reading right now and email me to share your secrets with the rest of us.
If it does resonate, you’re not alone. Even the most dedicated, most seasoned, most successful authors get the “don’t wannas” once in a while.

A Guide to World Building for Fantasy Authors
I love world-building guides. I love filling them out for my own books and asking my authors to fill them out. But what are they and why should you use one?

5 Tips for Plotting Your First Novel
Get organized before you start writing your first novel by plotting it out! Here are an editor’s top five tips.

An Interview with a Book Tour Company
Leslie from Gay Romance Reviews discusses how a book tour company can help indie authors expand their reach.

An Interview with a Book Blurb Writer
Jessie Cunniffe of Book Blurb Magic discusses the importance of book blurbs.

An Interview with a Book Designer
Susi Clark of Creative Blueprint Designs discusses what goes into designing a book.

An Interview with a Sensitivity Reader
Robert Kingett tells me about his experience as a sensitivity (or authenticity) reader.

Five Tips for Writing Compelling Dialogue
Crafting dialogue isn’t just about what your characters are saying. Good dialogue drives the plot forward. Here are five tips for crafting great dialogue.

What kind of editing does an indie author need?
The kind of editing an indie author needs will vary depending on your strengths. Learn how to decide what editing you should invest in!

Do you need an editor if you’re publishing traditionally?
Sarah discusses how freelance editors can get you agents and when it’s time to call one in.

Five Easy Steps to Clean Up Your Manuscript’s Language
Today, we’re talking about how to go about cleaning up the language in your manuscript so that it’s readable, clear, and professional.
Here are five things you can do to clean up your language without thinking too hard about it.

How to Approach Story Edits
Learn how to fight the overwhelm and break down your story edits into manageable chunks.

How to Approach Self-Editing
Let’s talk how to approach self-editing. Sarah outlines the best way to get started: Break it down, create a plan, and work through the plan.

How to Write What You Don’t Know.
Sarah outlines how to go about writing a topic that you don’t know. If you’ve wanted to write about a topic but felt overwhelmed with where to start, this post is for you.

Tips for Writing Sex Scenes
This week, we talk about tips for keeping your sex scenes original. Characters, pacing, and author choices are crucial to a writing a great sex scene.

Writing a Great Sex Scene
Sarah walks you through the steps you need to have a great sex scene and gives you the typical structure for sex scenes.

Popular Romance Tropes and How to Use Them
Romance editor Sarah Reside discusses ten romance tropes, why readers love them, and how to use them in your writing.

Why We Need More Asexuality in Romance
Asexual romance editor Sarah Reside talks about what place asexuality has in romance novels and why we should write more diverse sexual experiences in romance.

Why You Need to Know Your Ideal Reader
This week, editor Sarah helps you find your ideal reader as an indie author—and tells you why you need one!