Welcome Writers
Let me help you step into the light.

Giving contemporary romance authors the tools they need to share their swoony characters with the world.

Have you recently . . .
finished that romance novel you’ve always dreamed of writing but weren’t sure if people would connect with because your characters are too neurodivergent/queer/[insert your adjective here]?
worked your butt off to complete a very personal love story and are looking for an objective and gentle opinion on its strengths and areas to improve on?
been working tirelessly on your newest romance novel and are ready to get professional editing by someone who respects your craft?
I can help you . . .
ensure your characters are the best (and sometimes worst) versions of themselves,
find clarity in and develop your unique voice and style, and
use language to enhance your ideas, not just state them.
How We Can Work Together
Manuscript Critique
Get high-level professional feedback and next steps on your manuscript. A manuscript critique focuses on which elements of your story are working for you and where you can refine them.
Perfect for authors on a budget.
Developmental Editing
Get in-depth insights into the story elements of your novel. Developmental editing focuses on character development, plot, pacing, themes and world building.
Perfect for authors who want to ensure their characters have a swoon-worthy romance for the ages.
Line Editing
Enhance the flow of your writing with a line edit. Line editing is about making your words sing at the line and paragraph level.
Perfect for authors who want their readers to remember a turn of phrase when they think of your book.
Get the nitty-gritty right with in-text corrections and comments. Copyediting is about so much more than grammar. It’s about ensuring that your text is clear, consistent, correct, and coherent.
Perfect for authors who want to make sure their cinnamon roll hero isn’t accidentally a cinamin roll.
Get one-on-one author coaching with a pro editor who values romance as a genre. Work on plot problems together or ask all your grammar questions. This is your time.
Not sure which is right for your? Send me an email to get the conversation started.

“Not only is [Sarah] exceptionally professional, she is also a genuinely polite, kind, and happy person with whom to work. She edited my novel with great insight, truly getting to know and care for my characters, my world, and my plotline. Her edits were exemplary suggestions that showed a deep knowledge of what direction I wanted to take my novel. I found myself saying, "Oh yeah!" and "Why didn't I think of that?" after reading almost all her questions or recommendations. She left no stone unturned, no corner unchecked, no paragraph unread.”
— Jessica Davis

The Process
Working Together
Sample Edit
It’s hard to know if you’ll click with an editor, so the first step is to get a sample edit. Once you send me your manuscript in Word, I’ll send back a 1,000-word sample edit and a quote. That way, we both get a chance to see if we’re the right fit for each other!
Zoom Chat
I like to get to know my clients and understand what their priorities are, so I usually have a Zoom call to discuss this with you and go through the contract details. If you’re uncomfortable on calls or prefer to work by email, just let me know!
Once you’ve sent over your manuscript, I’ll get to work reading it through and providing meticulous feedback. You can either sit back and relax or get started on another project!
Editorial Letter
You’ll receive your marked-up manuscript and an editorial letter on the due date. The editorial letter is my love letter to you about what’s going right in your novel and what we can expand on.
Post-Letter Call
After you’ve had a couple weeks to review the manuscript and the editorial letter, we’ll jump on a call to dig deeper into edits. We’ll discuss any new ideas you’ve had and your next steps for publishing.
Revising and Thriving
Armed with new knowledge and feedback, you can dive into your revisions. Editing and rewriting only strengthens your novel and brings you one step closer to achieving your publishing dreams!
Wanna see if our working styles and book boyfriends align?
If you’re interested in working together, click below to get in touch.
It really depends on the time of year and what projects have already been booked. It’s always good to think about editing a few months before you’re ready to submit. If you’re wondering about a certain time, please get in touch by email.
Each manuscript requires a different level of editing, so I provide custom quotes based on your manuscript and the level of editing you need. Please contact me to get a quote and a sample edit!
A contract protects us both! I use a standard editing contract (a modified version of the Editors Canada contract) to outline all of my responsibilities as your editor and yours as the author.
The 40% deposit books your time with me. I won’t book projects that will interfere with yours during those times.
Yes, if you’re interested in payment plans, please let me know, and I’d be happy to set you up with one. As for budget-friendly options, I do single-pass editing (where I do one pass instead of the standard two, which is less thorough but budget conscious) and manuscript critiques (which are shorter, high-level critiques for those on a budget).
Coaching is different from author to author! Sometimes that means I work through character or plot problems with authors; sometimes they ask me every question imaginable about grammar. Whatever your writing needs, you’ve got me for the hour. You can book a one-off call here or email to inquire about ongoing coaching.
I accept payments via Paypal and Stripe for all clients. I also accept eTransfers within Canada.
Different kinds of editing require different kinds of work! If you’re curious about the different types of editing, check out this resource.
I’m neither an agent nor a publisher! So no. I’m sorry. Both those jobs require a vastly different skillset, and you deserve someone who’s an expert!

Are you ready to step into the light?