Take charge of your writing life this autumn.​

Join pro editors Hannah & Sarah to level up your writing practice.

Do any of these sound familiar?​

  • Prioritizing yourself can be difficult. Your life is full to bursting and it's hard to make time to do what you love: write.

  • When you do get a chance to write, it feels a bit lonely and no one in your immediate circle understands those #AuthorProblems.

  • You sometimes come across issues in your manuscript you wish you could ask a professional editor about (without handing over your WIP).

What if you could...​

Join a community of writers who know exactly what you’re going through and can cheer you on, all while making a commitment to your writing goals and getting professional editing advice?

One Page at a Time presents

Manuscript Magic:

A 6-Week Group Coaching Program for Writers

Join a small group of writers as we commit to writing our manuscripts this autumn. Three days per week, we’ll be writing together over Zoom. Afterward, you’ll have the opportunity to ask editors Hannah and Sarah your writing questions.

Got a question you thought of later? Bring it to our Monday office hours!

By enrolling in Manuscript Magic, you’ll get…

  • 18 hour-long meetings over the course of six weeks

  • A total of 12 hours of Q&A/group coaching

  • Community, accountability, and professional guidance​

  • Access to a group Discord server to discuss projects and ask questions outside of meeting times​

This program runs from October 29–December 10, 2022.

Bring your snacks, turn off those distractions, join the Zoom call, and get ready to write!

This program runs from October 29 - December 10, 2022.

price: $149 USD

Enroll by October 27 to reserve your spot.

What’s the schedule?

Office Hours

Mondays are dedicated to your writing and editing questions! Join us from 12–12:30 pm ET.


Tuesdays and Thursdays are for writing and Q&A. Come get those words down from 8–9:30pm ET.​


Saturday meetings will be in the morning! Grab your coffee and join us from 10–11:30am ET.​

Kickoff Call

Our kickoff call will be held on Saturday, October 29 from 10–11am ET. Come get to know us, discuss your goals, and get set up for success!

Final Meeting

Our final call will be held on Saturday, December 10 from 10–11:30am ET. We'll write together one final time, answer remaining questions, and close out the program.​

Enroll by October 27 to secure your spot!​

Total program enrollment is limited to 15 writers.

This group is for you if…

  • You want to dedicate time to your writing project this autumn.​

  • You want both the support of a community and the guidance of professional editors.

  • You're ready to embrace your writing life and work toward your goals this autumn.

This group is not for you if…

  • You aren't available during the scheduled meeting times.​

  • You want one-on-one coaching; this is a group program.​

  • You want a critique group that swaps drafts—no swapping here!​

“I think One Page at a Time is probably my favorite part of the week. These meetings have nearly doubled my productivity, and I love having a consistent group of writers to write with! I’ve made new friends, and I really love the camaraderie and support that I can look forward to each week!”

— Becca Lynn Mathis, author & @BeccaLynnMathis on Instagram

Meet the Editors

  • Hi, I'm Hannah!

    I’ve been editing professionally since 2011, and though I have a wide range of editing experience, there’s nothing I love more than editing novels. Since starting Between the Lines, I’ve focused on helping fantasy, sci-fi, and romance authors pursue their publishing dreams.

    But I’m not just an editor; I’m a writer, too! I’m currently working on my new adult fantasy series, which I plan to begin publishing in 2023. I know writing can be hard, but I also know just how rewarding it is.

    When I’m not editing or writing, I might be reading, playing tennis or video games, or rewatching some of my favorite shows.

  • Hi, I'm Sarah!

    I didn’t know it at the time, but I fell in love with editing at school when I realized I liked peer reviewing more than anyone else did.

    Now, I’m a professional editor with a variety of editing experience. I’ve edited academic papers and government transcripts, as well as short stories and (also my favourite) novels. Since creating Edits & Revisions, I’ve delivered character-focused, story-driven editing primarily to contemporary romance authors. It’s my goal to give indie authors the tools they need to share their characters with the world.

    When I’m not editing, you can find me swooning over my book boyfriends, (ice) skating, or hanging out in a coffee shop, asking the barista about the origins of the beans.

Enroll by October 27 to reserve your spot!

We can only accept 15 writers into the program. Sign up today to secure your spot!


  • Enrollment is open October 3–27, 2022. Our kickoff call is on October 29, and our regular meetings start on October 31.

  • Nope! You can work on whatever you want for the month; it can even change from meeting to meeting if that best suits your writing goals.

    Please keep in mind, though, that Hannah and Sarah specialize in editing fiction, including romance, sci-fi, and fantasy. We will do our best to answer all questions, but there are some genres we aren’t as familiar with.

  • That's okay! We know things come up unexpectedly, or maybe you can make 3 of the 4 weekly meetings. If you know you're going to miss a meeting, just send us an email and come back when you can.

  • Not at all! Office hours are dedicated to answering your questions. If you don’t have any questions on a particular week or can’t make it to that week’s office hours, don’t sweat it.

  • We’ll do our best to manage Q&A and office hours time to answer all questions. But if this situation arises, you can either email us the question, ask it in the private Discord server, or save it for the next Q&A or office hours.

  • Because we're limiting each Q&A session to 30 minutes, and because of the nature of a larger writing group, we can't answer specific, detailed questions about your manuscript. That said, you can ask about writing best practices, self-editing, and more general questions about your manuscript.

    If you aren’t sure what counts as “specific and detailed,” please email us outside of meeting time.

  • We picked the meeting times based on our own availability and feedback from our combined audiences.

  • No! This is not a critique group. We will write for an hour every meeting, then hold the Ask the Editors Q&A for the last 30 minutes. We may need to ask you for additional information if you have a question during the Q&A, but generally speaking, you will not be sharing your work.

  • Yes! Our normal writing group time of Fridays at noon ET will not change. You can sign up for those meetings here as well if you like.

  • If you want to cancel enrollment, we understand! Please request a refund before October 27 if you need to cancel. After that date, enrollment is locked in and refunds will not be issued except in extenuating circumstances, such as serious illness. If this arises, please reach out to us ASAP.

  • Yes! You can opt in to email reminders when you receive your welcome email, and we'll send you a message and the Zoom meeting link prior to each session.

“Writing can be a lonely road…OPAAT helps me not feel isolated on my writing journey. Funny—leave it to a group of introverted book nerds to delight in quiet writing time together! But there’s a camaraderie in that intentional, shared time; a camaraderie in witnessing others pouring their souls into their WIPs like I do day in and day out.”

— Birgit, author & @jedimagicwriter on Instagram

If you’re ready to commit to your writing this autumn, enroll in Manuscript Magic today!​

Sign up today to secure your spot!

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