Read my writing and editing tips

When to Spell Out Numbers
Writing Sarah Reside Writing Sarah Reside

When to Spell Out Numbers

Knowing when to spell out numbers and when to use numerals can be confusing.

It generally depends on what you’re writing. Here are a couple general rules of thumb.

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From Fan Fiction to Original Fiction
Writing Sarah Reside Writing Sarah Reside

From Fan Fiction to Original Fiction

Many authors today start by writing fan fiction, which is amazing! I found my love of editing in the fan fiction world too.

How can you shift to original fiction without struggling to adapt to the demands of an original story?

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Why Genre Matters
Writing Sarah Reside Writing Sarah Reside

Why Genre Matters

Genre isn’t just important for bookstores and libraries trying to organize books. A genre sets expectations for the reader. Understanding the purpose of genre and how your writing fits into (or doesn’t fit into) a genre can change how you market your books to readers.

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Three Kinds of Editing for Authors
Editing Sarah Reside Editing Sarah Reside

Three Kinds of Editing for Authors

The three most common types of editing a manuscript will go through are developmental editing, line editing, and copyediting. This ensures the book has been reviewed during different phases of publishing.

Let’s take a look at how each kind of editing fits into the process.

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